
Euro-Pro – Europske vzdelavacie strediska pre povolanie a spolocnost (SK)

The Euro-Pro is an educational center engaged in the education and in many training activities provided in various modules. It´s also vocational training association what operates in the fields of adult education and training as well as in the fields of the promotion of innovative methods of learning. One of its basic goals is to improve the training of trainers to achieve flexible teaching and lifelong learning. This center is skilled in implementation of EU-funded projects for several years (mostly as a coordinator of LdV projects engaged in mobility and as a partner in PHARE educational projects). It’s experienced in developing the specific curricula and it´s an integral of the national network of official institutions for education. All its activities are focused on development of human resources and development of regions. It is engaged in design and development of courses, new teaching methods, publications and training materials in order to reach the EU standards in the education area as soon as possible. Individual modules were consulted and supported by our co-workers from Matej Bel University and Banska Bystrica County. Our tasks are organisation of the NF’s and of the final meeting of the PIP at the end of the poject phase. We will actively cooperate in the implementation of the pilot phase and dissemination of the outputs for Slovakia. With our particular consideration of the Slovakian situation and the Slovakian target groups we will give a feedback to the PIP from a „new“ member of the EU.